Tag Archives: RESPECT project

EDU 6134-Daily Reflection- Getting the best educators to the students who need them the most


Today in class we talked about several big ideas from to readings. The overarching theme was about reforming our current education system in looking at it from the teacher’s perspective. We elaborated on the ideas that were presented in the RESPECT project article put out by the Board of Education.

Our group discussed getting the best educators to the students who need them the most. We came up with several ideas and several questions!

  • There should be incentives to keep good teachers as teachers, as opposed to having them move onto administrative positions. Ideas include higher salaries, more planning time, additional paras…)
  • There should be compensation for continuing education. Meaning if you have an ELL teacher, he/she may have gone to a special ed certification program, but they may not speak the languages of their students. Wouldn’t it be great if at least one teacher in an ELL environment spoke the language of, or had familiarity with each of the children in the room?
  • Where is the money going to come from?
  • What are the criteria for a school to receive additional funding?
  • Who are the best educators and principals, what are the criteria to define them?
  • Providing additional resources to poverty schools
  • Additional funding for technology in special ed classrooms
  • Allowing additional planning time for de-briefing/implementing training into the classroom- possibly by having more paras
  • Training for the paras