Tag Archives: Functional Behavior Assessments

EDU 6657- Functional Behavior Assessments


If a child has a behavior that is so prevalent that it disturbs his learning and the learning of others on a regular basis, there needs to be an intervention. An FBA is the best way to approach a situation like this since it looks for the root of the problem, the “why?” to the students’ behavior.

“Functional Behavior assessment has advanced techniques to assess the motivating consequences and the antecedent conditions that set the occasion for many of these problematic behaviors” (Jensen, Olympia, Farley, & Clark, 2004). An FBA is a systemic way to approach a problem behavior situation. What is so great about this is that it is not complicated, it does take time, but it is something that anyone with some training can do. An FBA looks at the environment that the student is in and takes into account several factors, what is the antecedent, the behavior and the consequences? Basically what is the setting? What is the child doing? And what happens as a reaction to it? It is important to categorize these details in order to figure out the real reason or function of the behavior. This is important if you want your behavior plan to be successful.

We learned in class that once you have the function figured out you can move onto making the antecedent irrelevant, the behavior inefficient and the consequence ineffective. This will become your behavior plan.

Jensen, W.R., Olympia, D., Farley, M., & Clark, E. (2004). Positive psychology and externalizing students in a sea of negativity. Psychology in the Schools, 41(1), 67-79. Doi: 10.1002/pits.10139.