Tag Archives: Disposition

EDU 6139- Disposition Assignment


1-What vision do you have of yourself as a developing and effective teacher?

I have a vision that as I learn new theories and practices I will be able to apply them effectively with my students. I see that each year teachers grow and become better because they are not only learning from each other, classes, or workshops, but that teachers learn from their students as well.

2-What do you think will make you a particularly successful teacher?

I feel really confident in saying that part of what will make me successful is my commitment to being a teacher. I know EXACTLY what I am in for in the next 25 years of my life and I am looking forward to it! I have had a lot of time to decide if this is really what I want to do. I have only ever taught in private schools, but I have taught several different subjects and worked with children of varying ages. I am doing just what I am meant to be doing. I am committed, patient, loving, and willing to learn. This is what will make me a particularly successful teacher.

Above is the post I made before beginning my internship about one year ago. After reading it, I don’t actually have any changes to make. I still love teaching, I love being surrounded by children and having the opportunity to teach them. It is amazing when you see the light bulb go off and they understand what you are conveying to them.

I am thrilled with all that I have learned this year. I have been able to immediately employ some of what I have learned and am looking forward to beginning next year with new ideas and ways to help my students be successful.  As I said in my previous post, it is so important to be a life-long learner and I know I will continue to keep up with what is new in education. It is good not only for me, but for my students to see as well.

I still feel the same excitement and commitment towards teaching as I did before this program, but I feel more equipped to serve my students even better than before.