Tag Archives: Child Abuse/Neglect/Eating Disorders

EDU 6134- Child Abuse/Neglect/Eating Disorders


Going into teaching is not just about teaching students facts or learning related skills, but about helping develop students as intricate beings. We spend time fostering their social skills as well as academic skills. We are there for them if they need to talk after class about social or academic issues. But there is more, we are there to help them if they need it in ANY way. Today in class we learned about reporting abuse or neglect. We may be the students’ only advocate! If we suspect abuse or neglect it is our responsibility legally and morally to report it.

In addition to that we learned about eating disorders. If a student has an eating disorder, whatever the reason, it will negatively impact his/her life. Although we are not legally responsible to report eating disorders, it is our moral responsibility to help each child and isn’t the reason we go into teaching because of our care for each child’s intellectual, and physical well –being?