Tag Archives: Behavior Intervention

EDU 6657- Behavior Intervention Plan


A behavior intervention plan is the outcome of the FBA. The behavior intervention plan is tied to a specific student and specific behaviors. Carrying out this plan is how the support team intends on improving the student’s behavior. “Because an FBA focuses on causes of behavior that can be found in the context in which the behavior occurs, results of an FBA are used for developing interventions” (Scott, Anderson, & Spaulding, 2008).

Once an FBA is conducted and a behavior has been identified, the behavior support team can make a behavior plan to match the FBA. The goal, as we learned in class is to make the antecedent irrelevant, the behavior inefficient and the consequence ineffective. By doing this the student won’t want to engage in the negative behavior. The idea is to find an alternative behavior that is more socially acceptable for the student, but gets them the same consequence. Eventually, you hope to get the student to engage in the desired behavior.

Once the BIP has been developed and implemented it is imperative that data be taken at regular intervals to make sure the plan is working and to adjust the plan as it does work to get towards the desired behavior. “…data must be used to evaluate the success of instruction. When the data indicate success, the plan should stay in place (or be faded), and when the data indicate failure, the plan must be changed” (Scott, Anderson, & Spaulding, 2008). The BIP should be thought of as a fluid document that can be or should be changed based on the changing needs of the student. Just like an IEP is to academic success of a struggling student, a BIP is to behavioral success of a struggling student.

Scott, T. M., Anderson, C. M., & Spaulding, S. A. (2008). Strategies for developing and carrying out functional assessment and behavior intervention planning. Preventing school failure, 52, 39-49.