Tag Archives: Advanced Organizers

EDU 6526- Post 4


This was my discussion post for class this week. I got some really helpful feedback from it and wanted to share it here.

“Advanced organizers are a model for helping students organize information by connecting it to larger cognitive structure that reflects the organization of the discipline itself” (Del’Olio & Donk, 2007 p. 388). The idea behind advanced organizers is a good one; give students something to relate to so that when the new information is presented, it is easier for them to make connection, and then remember the information. In the example in the book of Ms. Wolters class, she gives them an advanced organizer that presents them with a dilemma about oil and the cost/benefit of it. She asks the students to engage in a discussion where they begin to form opinions using the organizer and prior knowledge. By doing this she is giving them a context for what they will be learning and more importantly, she is giving them a connection that she can keep referring back to. This will help them to retain new information. In this particular example, she is also making it personal by asking their opinion, which will help solidify the information in their memory as well.

I can see using this with a small group in the resource room. Although we do not typically learn social studies units or science units and typically we focus on reading, writing, and math skills. I can see this being useful when supporting what the students are learning in their gen ed classrooms. For example, I know that the 5th grade studies the Revolutionary War, it could be cool to make an advanced organizer, similar to the one used by Ms. Wolters, and have it end with a question about who was right, the Colonies, or Britain? This will help them in class and I can refer to it when we work together. I can also provide it to the teacher so she can help support the students we both work with when they are in her Gen Ed class.

One piece of feedback I received was in reference to what my organizer could look like per the specific example I gave above. He suggested finding an appropriate picture of the Boston Massacre as illustrated by Paul Revere and have students read text that presents the perspectives of both the British and the Colonies. This seemed like a great way to present this particular organizer. He also pointed out the idea of working with the Resource Room and how my discussion post solidified the importance of this the cooperation for him; as well as was a reminder to share materials he develops in his class with the Resource Room. I found his response helpful and I think the corporation between a Resource Room and gen ed teachers is crucial to students’ success, so I was really pleased that my post helped perpetuate that relationship.

I was also reminded that the idea of advanced organizers can help with the teacher assessing (informally) for prior knowledge and was glad that was pointed out to me as well.


Dell’Olio, J., Donk, T. (2007). Models of teaching: Connecting student learning with standards. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications, Inc.