Category Archives: Uncategorized

EDU 6120: History of American Education- the beginning


The truth is I do not know much about American Education past snippets I have gathered over the years from other unrelated classes or experiences. In a class I took this past winter I learned a little about the evolution of the American Education system and the book, American Education: A History, helped define it some more. This book is laid out really great because it starts at the very beginning of what is now America. Beginning with the interaction of early settlers with the Native Americans and through chapter two has us ending with one of my favorite people, Benjamin Franklin and his ideas and ideals about education.

I thought it was really interesting to read about the difference in how the Native Americans ideas of education were starkly different from the ideas that settlers came over. “Although education among the Native Americans differed from tribe to tribe, the basic elements were similar. Boys and girls had to master certain skills and gain specific understandings before they could be accepted as mature members of the tribal society (Wagoner & Urban 2008). Whereas the people who came from Europe had a different idea in mind of how not only their children should be educated, but the Native Americans as well, as demonstrated through this quote by Christopher Columbus, “’ I assure Your Highnesses that I believe that in all the world there is no better people nor better country. They love their neighbors as themselves, and have the sweetest talk in the world, and gentle, and always with a smile. They go naked, men and women, as their mothers bore them. But … they have very good manners…. Your Highnesses should feel great joy, because presently they will be Christians, and instructed in the good manners of your realms.’” (Wagoner & Urban 2008).

I find history really interesting and since Education is my passion, this is of particular interest to me. I am excited about this class though, because I don’t think I would have easily found the time to learn this history had it not been something that we are being asked to do. I am especially looking forward to digging deeper into some philosophical changes in how a child should be educated from the past several hundred years.


Wagoner Jr., Jennings L.; Wayne J. Urban (2008-08-14). American Education: A History (p. 6). Taylor and Francis. Kindle Edition.

EDU 6526 Post 1

  1. Describing the context in which you teach and the students who are counting on you as an instructional designer.

Considering my cultural competence as an instructional designer– where I stand today.

Describe your positionality about approaching cultural competence as educator in light of thinking about designing instruction that leverages the assets of all students in your care. How did you get where you are? Who do you look to for guidance on this topic? What questions do you have? What goals would you like to pursue in this area?

The road to teaching for me has been going for 11 years I began as a classroom teacher and after eight years moved to my school’s Learning Center. I have been working in the LC for three years. I love the opportunity to work with children who struggle or who are gifted. I especially love working with teachers and helping them with their curriculum and instruction/ I have a teaching partner and several teachers in the school for advice and curriculum and instruction ideas. I would like to learn how to find resources and where they are available to me. Looking forward to learning more.

  1. Your learning – record your initial thinking

What are my assumptions about these classroom practices?

Homework – I find this to be a challenging. I work in a dual curriculum school that does not end until 3:30 and the students usually have extra-curricular after school. I do assign HW, but I try not to assign too much because it is important that students exercise and move as well- it increases brain function-and I don’t want to take away from that. But also because it is dual curriculum we have short class periods as well.

Student grouping – This is good. It can help students learn to work cooperatively and learn social skills. Also, this can be good for students who are gifted or students who struggle. It gives students opportunities to learn from each other and teach each other.

Curriculum- Should be staggered and also should be differentiated

What do you believe that the research says about these practices?

Journal the current opportunity gaps for our students. Be as specific as you can be about student learning.  Mine your own thinking for the assumptions and information that guides your practices today. I believe a lot of what I said above is based on what research says about these practices.

EDU 6139- Disposition Assignment


1-What vision do you have of yourself as a developing and effective teacher?

I have a vision that as I learn new theories and practices I will be able to apply them effectively with my students. I see that each year teachers grow and become better because they are not only learning from each other, classes, or workshops, but that teachers learn from their students as well.

2-What do you think will make you a particularly successful teacher?

I feel really confident in saying that part of what will make me successful is my commitment to being a teacher. I know EXACTLY what I am in for in the next 25 years of my life and I am looking forward to it! I have had a lot of time to decide if this is really what I want to do. I have only ever taught in private schools, but I have taught several different subjects and worked with children of varying ages. I am doing just what I am meant to be doing. I am committed, patient, loving, and willing to learn. This is what will make me a particularly successful teacher.

Above is the post I made before beginning my internship about one year ago. After reading it, I don’t actually have any changes to make. I still love teaching, I love being surrounded by children and having the opportunity to teach them. It is amazing when you see the light bulb go off and they understand what you are conveying to them.

I am thrilled with all that I have learned this year. I have been able to immediately employ some of what I have learned and am looking forward to beginning next year with new ideas and ways to help my students be successful.  As I said in my previous post, it is so important to be a life-long learner and I know I will continue to keep up with what is new in education. It is good not only for me, but for my students to see as well.

I still feel the same excitement and commitment towards teaching as I did before this program, but I feel more equipped to serve my students even better than before.

H5- Honor student potential for roles in the greater society


H5- Honor student potential for roles in the greater society

Teacher-candidates prepare students to be responsible citizens for an environmentally sustainable, globally, and diverse society.

The fifth grade class at my school has several teachers who are invested in helping to foster a more global view in the students. In an effort to do so the teachers have tied in Judaic sayings from the Talmud into the general studies classroom. The teachers of all subjects make great strides to incorporate these sayings into all aspects of their learning. In the general studies classroom they have also made a tree of encouraging sayings. Lastly, they made a cloud for the students (and teachers) to write down when something nice is done to or for them.

As a teacher there are so many things that we impart on our children. The content of our subject is a part of it, but we also focus on teaching our students skills. Study skills and social skills, are a huge part of being a teacher. Part of what we do is set up an environment in our classrooms to foster our children to become global citizens in the world. What I love about what this teacher is doing is just that. She is teaching them content, but she is also taking that and turning it into life lessons. In addition to that she is incorporating the religious piece and integrating the Judaic and general studies. This is also an important piece of the educational puzzle for these children since religion is a big part of their life. Below are pictures from the classroom

WP_20130411_008  H5

H5 2   H5 3

Starting to get it…


A few years ago I had a wordpress blog that I used as my primary communication tool with my 5th grade students’ parents. I thought it was great and that I was so clever for using this format for my newsletter. Most of the feedback I received from parents was positive and I liked being able to give parents information regularly or at irregular times without having to send out mass emails.

The last two years I have been a Learning Center teacher and have not incorporated the idea of a blog into my communications with parents. There needs to be so much communication that is private, I was not sure how to make this tool useful in the given situation. Tonight I have spent a few hours trying to get this blog set up. At first, it was frustrating; mostly because I thought I knew what I was doing. But as I should have expected there have been a lot of changes to how this works.

So here I am, hours later, and I feel like I am starting to get it. Not only am I thinking about how when I become really proficient at this, it will be an amazing portfolio to walk away from school with, but I am also thinking how I can reincorporate using a blog to communicate with my Learning Center students’ parents.