Monthly Archives: June 2013

EDU 6526 Post 1

  1. Describing the context in which you teach and the students who are counting on you as an instructional designer.

Considering my cultural competence as an instructional designer– where I stand today.

Describe your positionality about approaching cultural competence as educator in light of thinking about designing instruction that leverages the assets of all students in your care. How did you get where you are? Who do you look to for guidance on this topic? What questions do you have? What goals would you like to pursue in this area?

The road to teaching for me has been going for 11 years I began as a classroom teacher and after eight years moved to my school’s Learning Center. I have been working in the LC for three years. I love the opportunity to work with children who struggle or who are gifted. I especially love working with teachers and helping them with their curriculum and instruction/ I have a teaching partner and several teachers in the school for advice and curriculum and instruction ideas. I would like to learn how to find resources and where they are available to me. Looking forward to learning more.

  1. Your learning – record your initial thinking

What are my assumptions about these classroom practices?

Homework – I find this to be a challenging. I work in a dual curriculum school that does not end until 3:30 and the students usually have extra-curricular after school. I do assign HW, but I try not to assign too much because it is important that students exercise and move as well- it increases brain function-and I don’t want to take away from that. But also because it is dual curriculum we have short class periods as well.

Student grouping – This is good. It can help students learn to work cooperatively and learn social skills. Also, this can be good for students who are gifted or students who struggle. It gives students opportunities to learn from each other and teach each other.

Curriculum- Should be staggered and also should be differentiated

What do you believe that the research says about these practices?

Journal the current opportunity gaps for our students. Be as specific as you can be about student learning.  Mine your own thinking for the assumptions and information that guides your practices today. I believe a lot of what I said above is based on what research says about these practices.