H5- Honor student potential for roles in the greater society


H5- Honor student potential for roles in the greater society

Teacher-candidates prepare students to be responsible citizens for an environmentally sustainable, globally, and diverse society.

The fifth grade class at my school has several teachers who are invested in helping to foster a more global view in the students. In an effort to do so the teachers have tied in Judaic sayings from the Talmud into the general studies classroom. The teachers of all subjects make great strides to incorporate these sayings into all aspects of their learning. In the general studies classroom they have also made a tree of encouraging sayings. Lastly, they made a cloud for the students (and teachers) to write down when something nice is done to or for them.

As a teacher there are so many things that we impart on our children. The content of our subject is a part of it, but we also focus on teaching our students skills. Study skills and social skills, are a huge part of being a teacher. Part of what we do is set up an environment in our classrooms to foster our children to become global citizens in the world. What I love about what this teacher is doing is just that. She is teaching them content, but she is also taking that and turning it into life lessons. In addition to that she is incorporating the religious piece and integrating the Judaic and general studies. This is also an important piece of the educational puzzle for these children since religion is a big part of their life. Below are pictures from the classroom

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