Extra-Curricular Observation 1


A couple of Saturday nights ago I went to a basketball game on my school’s campus. One of the teams competing in the game was the High School which my school feeds into. It is also in fact the school my brother plays for, which is why I was at the game. He is a senior and this was his last game. Several of the students who play on the High School team have siblings who attend the school where I teach. Many of my students were at this game. It was a great opportunity to see my students outside of the school day. One occurrence that was especially fun to watch was four of my students cheering on my brother. Their older brother is on the basketball team too, but they made signs for my brother not theirs! Through this experience I learned a little about them that I did not know. Namely, that they constantly tell my brother they like him better than their own brother (who happens to be my brothers’ best friend) J.

The 8th grade student who I work with on his year-long project was there as well. He goes to most games because he is so excited to be on the team next year and he wants to be a professional basketball player. It was fun to watch the game with him because for the last four years (before this) he had a sister who was on the basketball team, so he “got it” when I was cheering on my brother. He also liked that I knew something about sports and it gave us something else to connect about.

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