Observation 3- 8th Grade Math


What I See                                                                                                                                                                  What I Wonder

I came into class five minutes after it started. Two of the students are taking advanced Algebra so they are sitting right outside the classroom working independently on an assignment.The teacher is reviewing HW questions from the night before on the boardTeacher is reviewing scientific notationStudents are all facing the board, two hands go up

Teacher calls on each student one after the other and answers the questions

Student asks if there is another way to solve the problem, a way she sees as simpler. Teacher responds by explaining why she does it the way she does it. Teacher says the way she does it lays out all the info more clearly

Transition to note taking

Students are having a couple of side conversations while teacher puts notes up on board (Teacher is using a projector, computer and smart board)

Students are taking out their composition books to take notes

Teacher begins explaining the notes on the board as students are copying down the notes

One student asks a question, the girl next to her answers it quietly

The next slide has up problems; teacher gives them a few minutes to find the answer. She asks for volunteers to answer the questions

She calls on students- no one is raising their hand

Teacher uses smart board to write out answers

Student asks for teacher to go over one of the examples again. Teacher says we saw one like this yesterday as well, and then goes to re-explain how you solve the problem and why it can be solved that way.


Teacher gives out an assignment for students to work on as an in-class assignment

Students get to work pretty quickly

A couple of clarifying questions are called out. Teacher walks over to students to answer questions

10:15-Each student takes out their books and begins. Some students seem to be working together asking questions to each other.

Science teacher walks in to give Teacher some papers

Student start calling out Happy bday to science teacher- this creates an eruption of conversation

Teacher calls everyone to attention, it needs to be silent in here so people can work

Students get back to work immediately, with small conversations. One student is asked if she needs to move seats, she says no, she can get back to work.

Students are re-engaged in the work

Teacher is walking around asking to see students HW from last night, to mark in her grade book

10:20-Teacher gives a reminder for students to be quiet

One student keeps asking the students around him if they got the answer to various problems

10:25-Teacher gives a reminder to be quiet again, students are silent

As teacher is walking around checking HW, some students have questions about the math. Teacher stops at their desks to answer their questions.

Classroom is decorated with math posters and information on the walls (i.e. the Distributive property, a guide to problem solving, and a picture of Albert Einstein)

10:30- Students are working silently on the math, teacher is walking around checking work and giving feedback to students

One student gets up to leave classroom and as she is walking to asks to use the restroom, teacher nods

One student raises he r hand often for help

Another student says he is finished and is looking for teacher attention, but she is helping a student. He asks what should he do now

Student who is finished is starting a conversation with student next to him

Teacher says she will give him the HW assignment to start

10:35- more conversations are starting around the classroom

Teacher is writing HW assignment on the board

Students are reminded to keep it down again

Teacher continues to walk around the room, answering questions or giving feedback as needed

Students write down the HW, student work right up to the bell and are dismissed- they are reminded to leave their things because they are coming back 4th period


Do the students know that they may be called on without having their hand up?






This teacher has had these students for math for the last three years. It is obvious they have routines and guidelines that they all know well.

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