Weekly Reflection 13: Math Lesson-O2


Today I was observed by my coordinator with my morning math student. Here was my lesson plan I used in class today.  I thought the lesson went well. My student was able to use the problem solving strategies to reach an answer.

Something interesting that happened was with the following question:

Regie math picture 9

When I asked the student to tell me which operations would be used to solve this problem, she said addition and multiplication (both my coordinator and I would have also said subtraction). I did not want to tell her what to do as this was more of the independent practice piece of the lesson. She then went on to show that she needed to multiply $10 and  3, which equals $30, and then multiply 15 and $5, which equals $75. The student then added $30 and $75 to get $105. She then added up from $105 to get to $150. I would have subtracted $105 from $150 to get $45. It was interesting to see which way she chose to find the answer.

Lesson Plan:

Anticipatory Set: We will review the steps involved in solving a word problem. I will do this by asking her to help me write the learning target (which is: By the end of the lesson I will be able to solve a word problem using the problem solving steps), and we will list the steps together.

Statement of Objective: Today our target is to review and apply steps in order to successfully solve a word problem.  The student needs to state the learning target.

 Input: We will look at one of the problems together. Since this is not the first time we are doing this, we will skip to the guided practice step

 Guided Practice: I will ask student to guide me through the problem. I will ask her questions, such as, what is the first step? What should we do next? What information should we write down? What operation is being used? What is the question? And I will remind her to write the answer to the question out in a sentence.

1-      Underline important information

2-      Pull out important information

3-      Identify the operation and strategy

4-      solve

Independent Practice:  She will have the opportunity to approach and several word problems on her own. I anticipate needing to remind her of some of the steps along the way.

At the end of the lesson, the student needs to state the target and give her input how she learned the lesson, including how she felt about the difficulty of the work.


Offer appropriate challenge in the content area.This lesson appropriate for my student, both to challenge her, but also she was able to be successful.

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