Observation 1- 5th Grade


Observation 5th Grade

What I see… What I wonder…
-Classroom has posters around the room with -Norms for different   activities, lesson norms, independent reading norms, and inquiry/writing   norms

-Teacher is using a document camera and projector


-One other student is working independently on the computer in the   back


-Student: when explaining exponents, 2 to the power of 3. You do 2   times 3

Teacher: I am so glad you said that, I have taught 5th and   6th grade, that is the most common mistake, that students would do   2 x 3 – and then she explained what it again

-Students are copying notes into a notebook

-Teacher puts a problem on the board and asks for student’s   participation. She calls on one student, several students call out to correct   student. She ignores the comments, and says to the student she called on to finish

– Teacher- “Thank you for raising your hand” student has a question   about a different scenario- she says, let’s do it.

-Teacher-“thank you for those of you who are raising your hand”

-Student- “Do the parenthesis really matter?”

Teacher-“Yes, it does matter, sometimes it won’t, but in this case it   would, so let’s do it without and see.”

-Teacher refers back to order of operations list

-Teacher models how  and when   she can use mental math- she is incorporating other strategies they have   learned

-Transition- students are taking out their white boards and writing   down a sample problem from the board.

-Students solve the problem then hold up their white board so teacher   can check for understanding

-Transition: after the check for understanding, teacher is handing   out the next assignment, giving the title and due date for students to write   down.

-Students get right to work as they get their sheet

-Students are quietly working – 8:30

-One student is finished- teacher walks over to check, she tells him   to get the HW packets, he goes back to his desk, teacher gives him grade book   to check off who has turned in the HW packets

-Two students have come to the back for extra help- one asked for it,   one had to be asked to come back for the help

-A second student came back to help with the HW packets

-Class blogger has gone back to his desk to work on the math   assignment

-Some small conversations have started happening Teacher:” Boys and Girls   quiet time, she is handing out “way to go cards” (part of our PBIS program)   for students who earned them based on the week- (she tracks behavior over the   course of the week)

-Several students have gathered around  the back table, teacher comes over and   tells students to sit down and reminds the students who are working on the HW   packets of their job

-Students turn their “way to go” cards in after they have written   their name on the cards, then teacher chooses from the bin one students’   name, student can now choose from a prize bag. Student chooses.

Transition- “Ok I am going to hand out the HW, waiting for your   attention so we can talk about how”. About 1 minute goes by; teacher also   shows a visual queue with her hands.” Eyes up front so there is no confusion   about HW”- She goes through each page in the packet on the document camera.







I wonder why the student is working by himself in the back on the computer.

I found out later that the student is the class blogger. The blogger   blogs on Fridays-  a different student   each week





























Great way to do a quick check in during class, does not take much   time and gives teachers a quick overview of what students got. Love the white   boards!


This was a great observation, this teacher is amazing, and I love when I get the opportunity to spend time in her classroom. I also collaborate with her closely to help support several of her students. Most of the time I am in her room, it is working with students, so it is really nice when I have a chance to just observe great teaching.

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