EDU 6134- Parent Involvement


I believe that “it takes a village to raise a child” and although we don’t have that model here, where we are actually in a village. Each child does have a village looking after them. Some are larger than others; they all include a parent or guardian and they include a school (teacher, admin, counselor etc.). In order to really give each child what they need to blossom, both academically and socially, we need to use all the resources we have.

Like it says in the article, “Nine characteristics of high-performing schools,” “High-performing schools intentionally link family involvement strategies to aca­demic goals. They make family involvement part of their school improvement plan and develop collaborative relationships among teachers, parents and the community” (Shannon, Bylsma, & OSPI, 2007). Academic success can be linked to family involvement. One might think that it is just social success that comes out of it, but it can be academic as well. This is a really important thought piece. As a teacher it is our job to educate our student, but parents feel the same way! So why not tap into any additional resources we have in order to best support each of our students.

Shannon, G., Bylsma, P., & Washington Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, O. a. (2007). Nine Characteristics of High-Performing Schools: A Research-Based Resource for Schools and Districts to Assist with Improving Student Learning. Second Edition. Washington Office Of Superintendent Of Public Instruction.

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