6134 Daily Reflection- PE/GLE vs. CCSS


Today we spent some time talking more about the Common Core State Standards. We compared and contrasted the CCSS with Washington State’s current standards, the PE’s or GLE’s. My group chose to look into the comparison of the CCSS- Algebra  vs. the PE- Algebra 1 and 2. Here is what we noticed:


~Overall topics seem the same

~Level of difficulty is the same (for as far as the CCSS seems to go, see below)


~There are examples

~They are very specific about each expectation, but they don’t have the key word definitions in the beginning

~Seems a little more rigid in the order of presenting the information and how to present the information

~Seems that the Algebra 2 standards take the learning a little farther




~There are no examples

~Less specific, however in the beginning there is a pretty detailed description of some of the key math terms that are used throughout the standards

~Seems like there is a little more freedom in the order and way the information is presented

~Seems like it does not delve as deep as the Algebra 2 PE does


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