Starting to get it…


A few years ago I had a wordpress blog that I used as my primary communication tool with my 5th grade students’ parents. I thought it was great and that I was so clever for using this format for my newsletter. Most of the feedback I received from parents was positive and I liked being able to give parents information regularly or at irregular times without having to send out mass emails.

The last two years I have been a Learning Center teacher and have not incorporated the idea of a blog into my communications with parents. There needs to be so much communication that is private, I was not sure how to make this tool useful in the given situation. Tonight I have spent a few hours trying to get this blog set up. At first, it was frustrating; mostly because I thought I knew what I was doing. But as I should have expected there have been a lot of changes to how this works.

So here I am, hours later, and I feel like I am starting to get it. Not only am I thinking about how when I become really proficient at this, it will be an amazing portfolio to walk away from school with, but I am also thinking how I can reincorporate using a blog to communicate with my Learning Center students’ parents.

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